Thursday, October 30, 2008

And the Apple vs. PC battle continues...

Apple continues to develop new ads that sum up PC problems. The newest one to the group "Bake Sale" shows PC having a Bake Sale to raise funds for their "problems," as Apple has so longingly discussed in their ads.
Always clever, Apple seems to outshine PC each time.
Now it seems PC has developed a campaigned that allows people to upload their own messages. Microsoft wants to show that throughout this whole mess, people still use Microsoft and are PC users and I think this campaign will allow Microsoft regain some of their dignity. People appear to be responding and it's about time. For so long, Apple just bashed PC/Microsoft, and they said nothing. Things are definitely getting interested?
I'm sure Apple will think of more clever ways to shun Microsoft.
But, I love how Microsoft does not involve nor mention Apple in their ads, even though Apple does so.

The battle continues, even though it seems Apple is the only one fighting....

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